At SLOCO, we’re starting off the year with health at the forefront by bringing in our new product line from Naturopathica!

This includes potent herbal teas, tinctures, and fortified honey, each one specifically formulated to put the healing power of nature to work for you.

To make your experience at SLOCO as healing as it is gratifying, we’ll be mixing custom elixirs made from the Naturopathica teas, tinctures, and honeys that match your specific needs, including stress relief, joint/muscle aches, skin cleansing, and more!

Members will get to try the healing indulgence of our new Naturopathica custom elixirs soon, stay tuned for upcoming member-exclusive promotions!

Also ask about our semi-private yoga classes will include the custom elixirs, as well as aromatherapy and individualized attention from our favorite yoga teacher.

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Natasha Prybyla
Students training to become massage therapists, are often encouraged by instructors to work for a spa before opening up their own practice. After studying the beneficial effects of massage therapy, Natasha Noel realized that her outlook on this healing art was not in line with the practices of most spas. So, despite the advice of her instructors, Natasha founded SLOCO Massage in 2010, right after graduating from the California Holistic Institute.