Instant gift certificates are available online for print or email, or you can swing by Sloco and pick up one of our bamboo gift cards!

If you can, please help us save on fees by purchasing a gift card in store, instead of online.


DId you know…

Over ONE BILLION plastic gift cards are created each year? That’s over 9,000 tons of plastic that will take over 500 years to breakdown and caused 33,260 tons of CO2 to be released into the atmosphere during production.

Gift the gift of guilt-free self-care with Sloco bamboo gift cards or instant eGifts!

All gift cards have a dollar amount attached to them (not specific service), so view the menu to get an idea of what value you’d like to gift!

Then, when you’re ready, come by Sloco during business hours to purchase a bamboo gift card, or visit our eGift site to purchase an instant gift card!


Purchase a gift online (ridiculously convenient, right?), and schedule it to be e-mailed directly to that special someone! If you’d really prefer a hard copy, you can always print it out on nice paper or just write the gift certificate code onto a card to help really personalize their gift.


Enter in their name at the time of purchase, it will be tied to their Sloco account. So, there is no need to print anything out, or even bring anything with them at the time of their appointment.

guilt-free self-care

A new kind of wellness experience in San Luis Obispo.