by Dr. Susan Lundgren, Ptera Wellness
“Is that a cell phone in your pocket your are you just happy to see me?”
Or are you just trying to reduce sperm count, cause mutant DNA (poorly formed sperm not x-men sperm) and increase your risk of testicular cancer?
In short, it is a very bad decision to opt for convince over health by placing cell phones and laptops on or next to your testicles. Save roasted nuts for culinary purposes only. Yes, I have had too many patients who are trying to conceive and the sperm morphology—the structure—is abnormally formed and unhealthy. Sperms with stumpy or missing tails can not swim. Those of you not wanting to conceive can find other forms of birth control. The cellular changes to the testicle comprise only a percentage of the problem, we are also seeing higher rates of testicular cancer.
At one time “tighty-whities” presented the biggest danger to your sperm count, now the world posses larger threats. Saving your balls from more than tighty-whities and biker shorts, which can also decrease your chances of attempted insemination for other reasons beyond the increase testicular temperature, but I digress). Our modern world provides cell phones, lab tops, toxic chemicals, and zeno-estrogens (estrogen mimicking molecules in plastics, pesticides, hormones in our food, etc) just to name a few dangers. It is time to get educated so you can take action.
Two options to save your family jewels other than going off grid are as follows.
First do not carry your phone in a pocket or put laptops on your lap, despite its name. Backpacks or messenger bags work great. Belt clips with EMF protection.
Second, if you don’t want to carry a some type of bag (bookbag, messenger bag, brief case, man bag, or laptop case) for your electronics; place a blocker directly on your devices.
If you would like more information on testicular health: health tips, how to increase sperm health, how to do self exams and more! Please click here for your guide just $4.95.
Going Nuts?!?
The incidence of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT), the most common cancer in men aged 15 to 45 years, has doubled over the last 30 years in developed countries.
“Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones.” Hardell L1, Mild KH, Carlberg M, Söderqvist F.
“Lifestyle and testicular dysfunction: a brief update.” Agarwal A1, Desai NR, Ruffoli R, Carpi A.
“Biophysical evaluation of radiofrequency electromagnetic field effects on male reproductive pattern.” Kesari KK1, Kumar S, Nirala J, Siddiqui MH, Behari J. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2013 Mar;65(2):85-96. doi: 10.1007/s12013-012-9414-6.