IonCleanse® Foot Detox
Whole Body Detoxification

Sit back and relax while you immerse your feet in an ion-rich foot bath. During your foot bath you’ll slip into a deep state of relaxation with a guided meditation while accumulated toxins are neutralized resulting in improved overall health and wellbeing with regular use.
Whole Body Detox
single session $65
series of five $250
Detox at Home
Buy a Solo System: $1,995
Pay-Per-Cleanse Program:
$450 down, $39+/month
Going back to chemistry, you’ll remember that water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize your blood and tissue. Because of poor diet, high stress and a toxic environment, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric and heptic acids.
Acid wastes attack joints, tissues, muscles, organs and glands causing dis-ease in the body. Avoiding disease and maintaining vitality as we age, requires the maintenance of an alkaline environment throughout the body.
The IonCleanse creates a similar, yet more powerful environment, because your feet are in direct contact with these ions being manufactured in the water. Within seconds of starting this treatment, millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize these tissue acid wastes, leaving you at the end of your session with a bath full of fat and mucous residues that have left the body. Healthy individuals can expect to feel lighter and experience a greater sense of wellbeing from each IonCleanse session.
What does the IonCleanse help?
Blotched complexions • Brain fog • Sleepless nights • Achy joints • Rashes • Headaches • Bad breath • Anxiety • Dark circles under the eyes • High blood pressure • Arthritis • Heart problems • Diabetes • Digestive disorders • Allergies • Poor circulation • Cellulite • Chronic Pain • Edema
After a series of IonCleanse treatments, you’ll be amazed at the platform of good health you’ve created for your body.
How often is it recommended to use the IonCleanse® foot bath?
Who shouldn't do this treatment?
**THIS IS NOT AN EXHAUSTIVE LIST, but rather the most common questions we receive**
1.People who have a pacemaker.
2.Organ transplant recipients.
3.Pregnant or nursing women.
4.Anyone on medication, the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.
5.Anyone on blood thinners (Coumadin or warfarin) or medications that regulate heartbeat.
Aren't foot detoxes just a scam?
full-body, detoxification machine in the world. Some find it more effective and faster than any herbal or fasting protocol. Here is why we chose the IonCleanse® as our only foot detoxification treatment system:
The quality of the cleanse is far superior.
• It has a patented system that produces dual polarity, creating both negatively and positively charged ions
• Dual polarity attracts both positively and negatively charged toxins, yielding a more thorough detox
Safety is key when mixing electricity and water!
• The IonCleanse® is the only system that uses a medical grade power supply
• The IonCleanse® is the only system that has BOTH the FCC and CE safety approvals
A Major Difference has an incredible reputation.
• The company who created the IonCleanse® has an A+ rating with BBB
• Thousands of health professionals use the machine and have helped transform their clients’ health
How does it work?
What is the chemistry behind it all?
When an array is placed in the water of a footbath and a direct current is passed through its poles, ionization is magnified many times.
With the IonCleanse® dual polarity array electrical flow alternates between the positive and negative poles of the array. When current flows to the positive pole, water breaks down into an abundance of OH- ions according to the formula: 4H2O + 4 e- (electrons) —> 2 H, + 4 OH-.
When the current flows to the negative pole, water breaks down into an abundance of hydrogen ions according to the formula: 2H2O —> O2 + 4 H+ + 4e-.
Negative ions attract positively charged atoms and molecules and positive ions attract negatively charged atoms and molecules.
Does it help with heavy metals?
Before: Heavy metals in water after a 30-minute session with NO FEET in the water
After: Heavy metals in water after a 30-minute session with a person’s feet in the water
Before and After: Numbers based on an average of 9 sessions, 9 different people