Lymphatic Drainage Massage in San Luis Obispo

Benefits Include:
– Reduced swelling
– Detoxification of the body
– Regeneration of tissue
– Anti-aging effects
– Relief from chronic pain
– Increased energy
– Deep relaxation
– Reduced stress

…and more!

Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle technique that activates fluid circulation and stimulate the immune system as well as the parasympathetic nervous systems. The results include reduction in edema, detoxification of the body, regeneration of tissue and many other benefits.

Using anatomical science and specific manual processes, lymphatic drainage therapy enables practitioners to detect the specific rhythm, direction, depth and quality of the lymph flow anywhere in the body. From there they can use their hands to perform manual lymphatic mapping of the vessels to assess overall circulation and determine the best alternate pathways for draining body-fluid stagnation.

**This is not a modality that is currently offered at SLOCO, with the exception of our “Detox Flush” facial add on service.

Learn about other massage techniques that we offer in San Luis Obispo.