Cold Jet Plasma Treatments 


Claim this offer for your personalized Glow Plan + 3D Face Analysis for just $49.

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Cold Jet Plasma Treatments


Claim this offer for your personalized Glow Plan + 3D Face Analysis for just $49.

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About Cold Jet Plasma

As a non-surgical, long-lasting alternative to more invasive procedures like face lifts and hair transplants, the Cold Jet Plasma series is a uniquely versatile therapy that yields pain-free results with zero downtime. Its advanced technology is used to treat an array of skin concerns and conditions by enhancing collagen production, removing bacteria and impurities, stimulating skin cell generation, and improving the skin’s natural healing process.

Cold Jet Plasma is a fantastic treatment on its own, but to provide a truly holistic Sloco experience, we’re pairing each series with advanced 3D facial analyses to mark your progress through the course of treatment so you can see the tangible reduction/improvement in your age spots, pores, wrinkle depth, redness, and other concerns.

Benefits of Cold Jet Plasma

Cold Jet Plasma starts working on the skin’s surface improving your skin’s absorption rate, tightening the skin, and stimulating collagen production as it penetrates deep into the dermal layer. Because Cold Jet Plasma improves your skin holistically, it’s beneficial for a myriad of concerns including but not limited to acne, hyper pigmentation, melasma, age spots, keratosis pilaris, rosacea, scarring, stretch marks, crepey skin, eczema, psoriasis, and fine lines and wrinkles.

Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

Reduce Inflammation

Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

Promote New Hair Growth

Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

Improve Elasticity

Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

Regenerate Collagen

Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

Brightens and Tightens

Cold Jet Plasma Programs

To target specific concerns and get the best results, we’ve thoughtfully curated four Cold Jet Plasma therapeutic programs: Inside Out Acne Clearing, Hair Growth Activation, Age Delay + Age Rewind, and Targeted Body Therapy. 
Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo
Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo
Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo
Top Rated Massage + Wellness Center in San Luis Obispo

After 2 sessions (immediately taken after 2nd session). Full results have not taken effect yet as Jet Plasma continue to work for 8-12 weeks after their final session.


Claim this offer for your personalized Glow Plan + 3D Face Analysis for just $49.

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Claim this offer for your personalized Glow Plan + 3D Face Analysis for just $49.

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